Your Data Privacy, Our priority. Privacy of each stakeholder is addressed to the hilt alinged applicable local laws.


When you use VirtuallyThere Platform, you trust us with your personal data. We’re committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. 

This notice describes the personal data (“data”) we collect, how it’s used and shared, and your choices regarding this data. We recommend that you read this along with our privacy overview, which highlights key points about our privacy practices. 

A. Scope 

This notice applies to users of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services anywhere in the world, including users of VirtuallyThere Platform’s apps, websites, features, or other services. 

This notice describes how VirtuallyThere Platform and its affiliates collect and use data. This notice applies to all VirtuallyThere Platform users globally, unless they use a service covered by a separate privacy notice, such as VirtuallyThere Platform. This notice specifically applies to: 

This notice also governs VirtuallyThere Platform’s other collections of data in connection with its services. For example, we may collect the contact information of owners or employees of restaurants or other merchants on the VirtuallyThere Platform ,  platforms; the contact information of individuals that manage and use accounts owned by Enterprise Customers; or data of individuals who start but do not complete their applications to be drivers or delivery persons. 

All those subject to this notice are referred to as “users” in this notice. 

Our privacy practices are subject to applicable laws in the places in which we operate. This means that we engage in the practices described in this notice in a particular country or region only if permitted under the laws of those places. In addition, please note the following: 

Please contact us here or through the addresses below with any questions regarding our practices in a particular country or region. 


B. Data controller and transfer 

VirtuallyThere Platform B.V. and VirtuallyThere Platform Technologies Inc. are the data controllers for the data collected in connection with use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. 

VirtuallyThere Platform Technologies Inc. is the data controller for the data collected in connection with use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services everywhere else. 

VirtuallyThere Platform B.V. (Burgerweeshuispad 301, 1076 ER Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and VirtuallyThere Platform Technologies Inc. (1515 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94158, USA) are the data controllers for the data collected in connection with use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. 

In addition, for drivers in the UK, (1) the VirtuallyThere Platform entity holding the relevant private hire vehicle operator license is the data controller for the data required to comply with licensing requirements; and (2) VirtuallyThere Platform B.V., VirtuallyThere Platform Technologies, and the VirtuallyThere Platform entity with whom the driver has entered into a contract are joint controllers for the data required to comply with worker rights. 

VirtuallyThere Platform Technologies Inc. is the data controller for the data collected in connection with use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services everywhere else. 

VirtuallyThere Platform operates, and processes personal data, globally; wherever and whenever you travel, your data travels with you so we can offer you a seamless experience. We also respect your data protection rights whether you are in your home country or elsewhere. 

This means that we may transfer personal data to countries other than your home country in order to provide our services in a different country at your request. We may also transfer personal data to another country if that is necessary to respond to a customer support request that you submitted outside your region. And trip/order histories may be accessed by users in another country after they have left the country where services were rendered. Because our services involve multiple users at the same time, limited personal data may be accessible to the other user in another country. 

We do so in order to fulfill our agreements with all of our users, or based on users’ instructions or prior consent, adequacy decisions for the relevant countries, or other transfer mechanisms as may be available under applicable law, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses. 

We may also transfer data to other countries in order to respond to a request for personal data from a law enforcement agency. To provide additional safeguards to these data transfers, VirtuallyThere Platform applies a robust internal procedure for processing these requests. VirtuallyThere Platform only discloses personal data to law enforcement agencies in a manner that is consistent with the regulatory requirements of applicable laws, such as the GDPR. You can find more information about requests from law enforcement here

To help provide equivalent data protection wherever you use our services, VirtuallyThere Platform has implemented the following measures across the globe: 

For your convenience, the exercise of your data protection rights can be directed to VirtuallyThere Platform via any of the designated channels mentioned above, and will be handled centrally on behalf of the relevant controller. Questions, comments, and complaints about VirtuallyThere Platform’s data practices can be submitted here. You may also use this form to submit a question to VirtuallyThere Platform’s Data Protection Officer and to ask us for a copy of the Standard Contractual Clauses or other transfer mechanisms in place for the data processing activity of your inquiry. 

Data collections and uses 
A. The data we collect 

VirtuallyThere Platform collects data:  

For your convenience, we've provided a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it here

VirtuallyThere Platform collects the following data: 

1. Data provided by users. This includes: 
2. Data created during use of our services. This includes:  
3. Data from other sources. These include: 


B. How we use personal data 

VirtuallyThere Platform uses data to enable reliable and convenient transportation, delivery, and other products and services. We also use such data: 

For your convenience, we've provided a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it here.  

We use the data we collect: 

1. To provide our services. VirtuallyThere Platform uses data to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our services. 
This includes using data to: 
2. Safety and security. We use data to help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our services and users. This includes: 

3. Customer support. VirtuallyThere Platform uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user concerns and to monitor and improve our customer support responses and processes. 
VirtuallyThere Platform performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users or for purposes of VirtuallyThere Platform’s legitimate interest in monitoring and improving its customer support services. 

4. Research and development. We use data for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us make our services more convenient and easy-to-use, enhance the safety and security of our services, and develop new services and features. 
VirtuallyThere Platform performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of VirtuallyThere Platform’s legitimate interests in improving and developing new services and features. 

5. Enabling communications between users. For example, a driver may message or call a rider to confirm a pick-up location, a rider may call a driver to retrieve a lost item, or a restaurant or delivery person may contact an order recipient with information about their order. 
VirtuallyThere Platform performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users. 

6. Marketing and Advertising. VirtuallyThere Platform uses data (other than Guest Users’ data) to market its services, and those of VirtuallyThere Platform partners. This may include: 

7. Non-marketing communications. VirtuallyThere Platform may use data to send surveys and other communications that are not for the purpose of marketing the services or products of VirtuallyThere Platform or its partners. We may also send users communications regarding elections, ballots, referenda, and other political processes that relate to our services. For example, VirtuallyThere Platform has notified some users by email of ballot measures or pending legislation relating to VirtuallyThere Platform’s services in those users’ areas. 
VirtuallyThere Platform performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users, or for purposes of VirtuallyThere Platform’s and its users’ legitimate interests in informing users about events that may have an impact on their use of VirtuallyThere Platform services. 

8. Legal proceedings and requirements. We use data to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services, to satisfy requirements under applicable laws, regulations, or operating licenses or agreements, or pursuant to legal process or governmental request, including from law enforcement. 
VirtuallyThere Platform performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of VirtuallyThere Platform’s legitimate interests in investigating and responding to claims and disputes relating to use of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services and features, and/or necessary for compliance with applicable legal requirements. 


C. Cookies and third-party technologies 

VirtuallyThere Platform and its partners use cookies and other identification technologies on our apps, websites, emails, and online ads for purposes described in this notice, and VirtuallyThere Platform’s Cookie Notice. 

Cookies are small text files that are stored on browsers or devices by websites, apps, online media, and advertisements. VirtuallyThere Platform uses cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as: 

We may also allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services for us, to serve advertisements on our behalf across the internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, and other technologies to identify the devices used by visitors to our websites, as well as when they visit other online sites and services. 

Please see our Cookie Notice for more information regarding the use of cookies and other technologies described in this section. 


D. Data sharing and disclosure 

Some of VirtuallyThere Platform’s services and features require that we share data with other users or at a user’s request. We may also share such data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, for legal reasons or in connection with claims or disputes. 

VirtuallyThere Platform may share data: 

1. With other users 
This includes sharing: 
2. At the user’s request 
This includes sharing data with: 
3. With the general public 
Questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as VirtuallyThere Platform blogs and VirtuallyThere Platform social media pages may be viewable by the public, including any data included in the questions or comments submitted by a user. 
4. With the VirtuallyThere Platform account owner 
If a user receives services through an account owned by another party, we may share their trip or order information, including location data, with the owner of that account. This occurs, for example, when: 
5. With VirtuallyThere Platform subsidiaries and affiliates 
We share data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. For example, VirtuallyThere Platform processes and stores such data in the United States on behalf of its international subsidiaries and affiliates, 
6. With VirtuallyThere Platform service providers and business partners 
These include: 
7. For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute 
VirtuallyThere Platform may share users’ data if we believe it’s required by applicable law, regulation, operating license or agreement, legal process or governmental request, or where the disclosure is otherwise appropriate due to safety or similar concerns. 
This includes sharing data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government authorities, airports (if required by the airport authorities as a condition of operating on airport property), or other third parties as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, user agreements, or other policies; to protect VirtuallyThere Platform’s rights or property or the rights, safety, or property of others; or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to the use of our services. In the event of a dispute relating to use of another person’s credit card, we may be required by law to share your data, including trip or order information, with the owner of that credit card. 
For more information, please see VirtuallyThere Platform’s Guidelines for Law Enforcement Authorities - United States, Guidelines for Law Enforcement Authorities - Outside the US, and Guidelines for Third Party Data Requests and Service of Legal Documents. 
This also includes sharing data with others in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company. 
8. With consent 
VirtuallyThere Platform may share a user’s data other than as described in this notice if we notify the user and they consent to the sharing. 


E. Data retention and deletion 

VirtuallyThere Platform retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above, including to provide its services and comply with legal obligations. 

VirtuallyThere Platform retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. The period for which we retain user data is determined by the type of data, the category of user to whom the data relates, and the purposes for which we collected the data. 

The length for which VirtuallyThere Platform retains user data may further be determined by legal and regulatory requirements, purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or by issues relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute. 

For example, we retain data: 

Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time. VirtuallyThere Platform may retain user data after a deletion request due to legal or regulatory requirements or for reasons stated in this policy. 

Users may request deletion of their account at any time through the Settings > Privacy menus in the VirtuallyThere Platform app, or through VirtuallyThere Platform’s website (riders and order recipients here; drivers and delivery persons here; guest checkout users here). 

Following an account deletion request, VirtuallyThere Platform deletes the user’s account and data, unless they must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute. Because we are subject to legal and regulatory requirements relating to drivers and delivery persons, this generally means that we retain their account and data for the applicable statutory retention period after a deletion request. For riders and order recipients, their data is generally deleted within 90 days of a deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the above reasons. 

IV. Choice and transparency 

VirtuallyThere Platform enables users to access and/or control data that VirtuallyThere Platform collects, including through:  

VirtuallyThere Platform also enables users to request access to or copies of their data, make changes or updates to their accounts, request deletion of their accounts, or request that VirtuallyThere Platform restrict its processing of user data. 

A. Privacy settings 
The Settings > Privacy menu in the VirtuallyThere Platform app allows riders and order recipients to set or update their preferences regarding location data collection and sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications. Our Privacy Center is also available in web version. 

Drivers and delivery persons can also enable/disable Emergency Data Sharing via the App settings > Emergency Data Sharing menu, or the Safety Toolkit. 

B. Device permissions 
Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without the device owner’s permission, and these platforms have different methods for how that permission can be obtained. Please check the available settings on your device or check with your provider. 

C. In-app ratings pages 
After every trip, drivers and riders are able to rate each other on a scale from 1 to 5. An average of those ratings is associated with a user’s account and is displayed to other users for whom they provide or receive services. For example, rider ratings are available to drivers from whom they request transportation, and driver ratings are available to their riders. 
This 2-way system holds everyone accountable for their behavior. Accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment for drivers and riders. 
Riders can see their average rating in the main menu of the VirtuallyThere Platform app, and also access a breakdown of their average rating in VirtuallyThere Platform’s Privacy Center
Drivers can see their average rating after tapping their profile photo in the VirtuallyThere Platform Driver app. Click here for more information. 
Delivery persons may also be rated by order recipients, restaurants and merchants. Click here for more information. 

D. Marketing and advertising choices 
VirtuallyThere Platform provides users with the following choices regarding how their data is used for purposes of marketing and advertising: 

E. User data requests 

VirtuallyThere Platform provides users with a variety of ways to learn about, control, and submit questions and comments about VirtuallyThere Platform’s handling of their data. 

V. Updates to this notice 

We may occasionally update this notice.  

We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through the VirtuallyThere Platform apps or through other means, such as email. We encourage users to periodically review this notice for the latest information on our privacy practices. 

Use of our services after an update constitutes consent to the updated notice to the extent permitted by law. 



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